The company was registered as the main subsidiary of G.T.S, a company in Kazakhstan, whose activities include:
1- Review and study of the potential and capabilities of the country of Kazakhstan, Russia and other countries of the C.I.S.
2- Participate in major projects and sub constructions such as:
- Design, construction and operation of a large center for the collection, maintenance and processing of various types of fruits, legumes, vegetables, agricultural inputs, mills, meat and juice industries.
- Establishment and facilitating operation of 3000 varieties of livestock, expandable up to 30,000 heads.
- Modern agriculture for livestock feeding, at levels and phases of 5000 hectares.
- Modern fruit gardening in phases of 1000 hectares.
- Exploration and mining of copper, iron, aluminum, cobalt and zinc.
- Mining of decorative and building stones.
- Establishing factories for building stone, metal industries and construction and industrial structures.
- Establishing an international transportation network using Pars Eram Group's parent company.
- Funding and financing of projects.
- General trade, import and export.